Tuesday 13 October 2009

Santiago - Photos

A protest march on our first day in Santiago

Beautiful churches are found all over the city

The central park in Santiago

The street markets in Santiago

The Patagonia restaurant - excellent

Tasting the local beer - not bad

Cheap wine at last!

Opera anyone?

The streets of Santiago

Our team mates finally arrive, time for drinks before heading out

Adobes the Argomedes, a fantastic authentic Chilean night

Group shot before our meal

The live entertainment

The stunning Chilean girls

Just coconut shells to protect the girls honour...

Chilean wine, tasty and oh so affordable

Al and Leise strutting their stuff, check out the handkerchiefs!

Nice moves Leise!

Not to be outdone, the girls hit the floor

The girls having a blast

Leise looking guilty....

Last dance

The closing band

Our friendly waiter

Time for a bus tour

Freezing on the top of the open tour bus

Some local tourist areas

Some more of the few local tourist attraction we managed to see

Missed the bus, how are we going to get home now?

Not sure why the girls are smiling, it's a long way home!

Check out the coca cola man in the background

Missed the bus so time to hit the metro

On the metro heading home

Chile qualify for 2010, cue the street celebrations

Flying the flag

Confetti time

Gotta celebrate with the locals

The food must be good!

Check out the local live entertainment in the background

The Chilean red wine is very good!

V loving her restaurant

Local Chile supporters bursting in to sing and celebrate

Well done Chile, see you in 2010

4 in the back of the cab - no problem!

Shaun about to crack the Spanish laptop problem

Georgie very happy to get her laptop working

The stunning Andes Mountains in the background

Time for our wine tour

About to head in

Can we take it home?!

Small taster of what awaits inside

The entrance gate to the estate

Group pose

The beautiful guest house

The vineyards with the Andes Mountain in the background

Thirsty anyone?!

Better set those watches to the right time!

Gateway to the cellar

Georgie and Al

The expensive wine is stored in the lower cellars
"The devils cellar"

You can't hide from the devil

Time for the all important wine tasting, with Lara about to pounce!

The local produce

The girls prefer the larger bottles!

Sneaking up for another glass

Enjoying the wine after a tough tour

More wine tasting in the courtyard

About to tuck into some lasagne and red wine

Waiting for the bus outside the wine estate

The bus ride home

Heading home to pack

Outside our apartment for the last time

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