Wednesday 28 October 2009


The flight from Lima to Cusco over the Andes Mountains
A pretty park in Cusco

One of the main squares in Cusco

Our beautiful hotel

Some coca tea to welcome you

Welcome to high altitude, help yourslef to oxygen if you are short of breath

First night in Cusco and we are eating Italian

Lara and Leise trying out the local cold drink - bigger than coke!

Okay I was wrong, V and Georgie tucking into mulled wine on our first night and against recommendations!!


Mixing with the Llama's, Lara is loving it!

One of the local markets on our tour

V can't resist a purchase, something warm for the Inca trail

Not to be outdone Georgie gets in on the action

How cute are the kids in Peru - the girls are getting broody ;-)

The Sacred Valley

It gets tight in places

Leise catching his breath and taking in the scenery

The ruins are awesome

We made it to the top of our first hiking trip

A traditional Incan

Great food in the market - this is their favourite dish - roasted guinea pig!

Supporting the local economy - Leise and I buy an Incan chessboard each

Coca plant - if you don't like the tea they offer it coated in chocolate

A tough day so time for lunch

Our tour bus

Inca fortress, and we have to climb it!

Yep we have managed to make friends on this trip - our California mates we met on this tour

Check out the face carved into the mountian - the buildings were for food storage, high up so they were kept cool (sounds like hard work to us)

The view from the top

Lara and Leise soaking it up

Stunning scenery on the drive back to Cusco


We all shop at the same place ;-)

Our carriage awaits

About to board our 3 hour train to start the hike

A quick change into shorts and whack on the insect repellent

Rivers and mountains, beautiful

Over the bridge and up the mountain we go....

Are we having fun yet girls ;-)

Everyone loving it so far

Not far now but time for a well earned breather!

We finally make it to our first camp and the girls are exhausted

Yep all sweaty and shattered

We are taken to Winaywayna to have our lunch

After a quick 5 minute walk we arrive and what an amazing sight

A quick look around this ruin site, hugely impressive

A well earned lunch, soaking up the view at the same time

And this is our view, stunning!

Time to leave Winayhuayna and head to Machu Picchu

Spectacular scenery

Hard hard work....

Time for a break and to enjoy the view

Not far now, watch out for bears ;-)

The final climb and we are there!

Intipunku - The Sun Gate - we have arrived!

Machu Picchu - our first glimpse from The Sun Gate!

The view from The Sun Gate - wow!

The hike from The Sun Gate was a little treachorous, hope you're not scared of heightsWe have finally made it to Machu Picchu - it is amazing!

What a feeling!
Welcome home, our hostel for the night

The markets, bars and restaurants of Aguas Calientes

Waiting for a well earned beer

Nice fire in the restaurant - it was chilly at night up in the mountains

Time to head home and get some sleep, big day tomorrow


Waiting for our bus and looking pretty happy considering it's 5.30am

Check out the queue to enter Machu Picchu, even at this time!

The sun rises on Machu Picchu, breathtaking!

Great view and romantic too!

Our tour and history lesson begins, not a bad classroom though

One of the temples inside the ruins

At the gate to the main part of the ruins

Have to stop regularly just to take it in, the experience and the view!

Walking through the ruins with the mountains behind

The Llama's are quite happy relaxing within the grounds


Group shot before the climb, and looking very relaxed and fresh

Only 400 are given the chance to climb Waynapicchu each day - by the skin of our teeth!

Yep, that's what we have signed up to climb - are we nuts!

Just a small example of how steep this climb was

Still a very long way to go....

The view of Machu Picchu from halfway up the mountain - stunning!

Not sure where all the energy came from, long way to go still...

Half way up and how is the view already! Machu Picchu in the background

Hope you're not scared of small dark spaces - Lara negotiates the dark cavern

Come on guys, almost there....

Finally we reach the top and it was all worth it

Sitting on top of the world

Taking some time to enjoy the views
Yep, we did it - now to make it back down!

Finished the hike and leaving Machu Picchu for the last time

Looking wrecked but we did it, what an unbelievable experience

Time for a coke, need the sugar!

Our hostel - not quite the high standards we have been used to!

A well earned lunch

A game of chess after the tough hike - Leise still owes me money ;-)


  1. this is so brilliant - almost feels like we are with you , well sort of. the blog is so good its like my literary fix. ur both doing a fab job. maybe a
    can see you are having a fab time - a honeymoon out of this world. lotsaluv jan & gav x

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