Saturday 31 October 2009

Cancun Mexico - Pictures

Our apartment in Cancun and what a view to wake up to!

Lara taking it all in and ready to hit the pool

The pool area of our complex is right on the beach - perfect!

The beach is absolutely stunning!

The view of our apartments from the pool


After a tough day at the pool we are all dressed up and ready to go out - shorts and flip flops are all you need here!

This way to Cancun Centre...

We arrive at one of the centres near lots of bars and restaurants

Playing the fool on our walk

Don't look behind you!!

First stop for a drink, the famous Hooters and the girls are keen
Hooters Bar inside
Time for a cocktail to cool down!

Great cocktails, ice cold and colourful

A quick nibble before we head off for dinner, not sure who the pirate is?!

After Hooters it's time for a quick drink at the Rainforest Cafe

Lara playing around in the Rainforest Cafe shop

Everyone gets a funky chair

A few drinks and we've warmed up a bit by now....

Love this sign!

We make our way to Senor Frogs for dinner

Here we are and the party is about to begin!

This way please....

Love the decor in this place

Our first tequila in Mexico, the first of many!!
Wise words!

Time for a round of tequila's, back you go!

V is up next

Lara's turn

No escape for Leise

Being single Georgie gets special attention for her shot!

Dinner arrives - it actually looked more impressive than it tasted

Halfway through your meal they drag you up for a dance

All the girls are up...

This is where the water slide finishes, watch out for the Crocs!

A nice Cuban after a good meal

V enjoying a quick puff

When in Mexico.....

Drinks of all shapes and sizes

Cocktails and more cocktails

Clearly enjoying our night

Making friends, our MC for the night

Time to hit the dancefloor...

V not looking very impressed with the rude baloons ;-)

Lara and Leise looking much happier!

A few too many tequilas by this stage ;-)

Georgie's turn for some party games, and she goes on to win this one!
Almost home time!
A quick breakfast and catch up with the world before heading out
Another beautiful day in Cancun and time to hit our pool again

Another tough day at the office ;-)

Time to head in for dinner and our last look at our pool - how blue is that water, the sea and the pool....

Home made Chilli con Carne for our last night, good work boys!

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