Friday 16 October 2009

Mendoza - Pictures

Arriving at 4.30am and 2 hours ahead of schedule - not everyone is happy!

At least Leise is putting on a brave face

It's freezing cold too so gotta wrap up with whatever you have

No we don't travel light!

Our first lunch in Argentina, check out the size of those steaks!

After lunch it was time to hit our local cafe and carry on sampling the local wine

Georgie ready for another glass of red

..... time for another

The view of the central park from our Cafe

We finally staggered back to our apartment to relax and have that afternoon nap

Relaxing in our stunning apartment right in the heart of Mendoza

Chile street - beautiful tree lined avenue and our new home

Yep we were not exactly slumming it in Mendoza ;-)

Remember this name, best steak in South America so far!

The Vines, and time for our first Argentinien wine tasting

Really nice inside too

Ready to try out our 5 wines

One of the tasty reds we tried

Outside our stunning apartment

Think they may have had a few too many....

Dinner time and V had a great meal

The worst ribs in the world, and the waiter had the cheek to recommend them!!!

Don Pedro to finish, and it's no better than the ribs

A new day, hot and sunny and the bikes are hired and off we go on our wine tour

First stop Museo Del Vino

Touring the vineyards with the Andes in the background

The local produce

Lunch at Vistandes

Lunch finished and time to hit the bikes again

The view on our ride, vineyards and mountains - stunning!

Tempus Alba winery, time for another break

We decide to cycle in for another taster

The inside bar at Tempus Alba

Relaxing on the outside patio

V enjoying some Rose and music in the sunshine

Nothing like an ice cold beer after a tough ride

Waiting for our taxi and chatting to our new Irish mates

The fountains inside the Central Park in Mendoza

Settling down to the Uruguay v Argentina game in the pub

1-0 to Argentina and they have qualified for 2010, let the party begin!

Final farewell to our Irish mates
All aboard for Santiago, Chile

Final checks before we head off

View from our coach of this stunning lake in the mountains

The jagged snow capped peaks in the distance

The coach ride was worth it just for the scenery

We finally hit the top of the Andes

The Chile border post - yep it's cold!
Georgie and V, trying to kill 3 hours on top of the Andes

Warm and cosy on the coach but check out the blizzard outside

The view from our Santiago apartment for one night

The Andes mountains from our plane on our way to Buenos Aires


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