Saturday 31 October 2009

Cancun - Mexico

After the tough work on the Inca Trail we were all looking forward to hitting the beach and relaxing, and where better to head than the golden beaches of Cancun Mexico (Or CanCan according to our friend Georgie ;-)). We left Lima Peru on Monday afternoon and arrived in Mexico City at 6pm. The flight over Mexico City was pretty impressive as it stretches as far as the eye can see in all directions, it really is massive and it’s not surprising as it is one of the top 3 biggest cities in the world. The airport is really big too, and while entering through passport control V and I met the biggest conspiracy theorist ever! This is pretty much how it went

Him – “Hi and welcome to Mexico, passport please”
V&A – “Here you go”
Him – “Ahh British, where have you come from?”
V&A – “Just arrived from South America, we are travelling for 6 months”
Him – “Better enjoy it while you can, won’t be much travelling in future!”
V&A – “Ha Ha, yeah I guess with the credit crunch it is getting a bit more difficult”
Him – “I’m talking about the global Influenza epidemic which will hit the world next year wiping out 2 billion of the world’s population, and pretty much killing global travel”
V&A – “O k a y.........”
Him – “Oh yes, you must know the world is ruled by 13 families from Europe and America, and they have decided that the worlds population is too large and they need to cull the numbers, hence they have developed an Influenza virus strain that will kill 2 billion. These are the same people who put Obama in office”
V&A – “Oh really?”
Him – “ Yes, this is all in preparation for the coming of the Anti-christ!”
A&V – “When will that be?”
Him – “The next pope will be black and have a name never used before, he will be the anti-christ. They are also involved in the coming World War 3”
V&A – “World War 3?!!”
Him – “Oh yes, between Israel and Iran, it will happen in June 2010, yep next year”
V&A – “Talk about bad timing, that’s during the World Cup football ha ha (trying to lighten the conversation)”
Him – “Oh yes next year without a doubt, June 2010. So be glad you are travelling now as you probably won’t be able to do this again. I have been studying this for 18 years, trust me I know what I am talking about. Have a look at these websites (gave us a load of websites to check out).
V&A – “Alrighty then......”
Him – “Anyway happy travels and welcome to Mexico”
V&A – “Thanks and good luck......”

From there we had to walk through without bursting into hysterics. Someone call the cops there’s a madman posing as a passport official. Anyway if we thought we had it bad poor old Georgie got stopped at passport control and taken into an office to have her visa checked. As we waited outside we all imagined a severe examination involving a latex glove, but she emerged to confirm it was just a computer glitch and she was in. One of the impressive things in this airport is that they have a big disability working program, and lots of employees are wheelchair bound. It is a great idea and everyone is really welcoming when you arrive. Lara was convinced that they were using these wheelchairs just to sit down and rest their legs rather than stand (there was a lack of chairs in this area), but we’re pretty sure it was an official program and they really were disabled – she has since been duly fined with a tequila shot! We went to Chilli’s in the airport for some food and beer, while watching some American Football and then caught our flight to Cancun, arriving at 11.30pm that night. On exiting the airport it was boiling hot even at that late hour so things were looking good. We arrived at our apartment after midnight, and quickly found our rooms and hit the sack.

Tuesday morning we awoke to a cloudy rainy day, but the beauty about Cancun is that the weather changes quickly so within no time it was crystal clear, sunny and hot. After a quick breakfast we made our way to the beautiful pool which is situated right next to the beach. The sea has a very strong current and it’s difficult to go out too far, so we had a quick dip and then lay about the pool swimming and catching some rays. It was nice to finally have some proper relaxation time and this felt like a proper holiday again. The pool was amazing, nice and warm and you could hear the waves crashing just meters away. After a peaceful afternoon we headed back to shower and make our way out for some drinks and dinner. We made a quick stop into Hooters bar, much to Shaun’s delight, for some warm up cocktails and beer. After this we crossed the street for a bit of window shopping and some more drinks at the Rainforest Cafe. Having warmed up nicely and with our tummies grumbling it was time for dinner and off we walked to Senor Frogs.

Senor Frogs was recommended to us by Shaun’s brother Ian, who had been here before and thoroughly enjoyed it. The restaurant/bar has a water slide running right through it, but unfortunately there were no takers that night so we didn’t get to see it in action. We got stuck into our Mexican food and ordered our first tequilas in Mexico – not the normal stuff but a 5 year vintage which was really good (no gag reflex on these!). This is when things really started to take off, as the staff encourage everyone to get into the party spirit by bringing around tequila shots, and dragging the poor customers up for dancing and to do the limbo. Obviously we were roped into the party several times which was great fun, and we were even treated to complimentary tequilas for our efforts. After a hearty meal and several drinks, plus the constant tequila shots forced on us, it was time to head inside for some live entertainment and party games.

By now the bar had filled up nicely, and the American MC started to run the show with several party and drinking games. The music was good and after a few dances it was time for a men’s dancing challenge and poor old Shaun was dragged up on stage. Doing his best Michael Jackson impression involving much crotch touching and a stage dive, he received huge cheers and applause but was beaten into second place by some other nutter! Anyway we made sure he was rewarded with a tequila for his efforts. Then it was time for a girl’s game and poor old Georgie was dragged up for a 3 way race around the bar which involved a couple of shooters on the way. It soon became a 2 way race as the one girl didn’t know her left from her right and ran off in the opposite direction... she also just happened to be blonde but we won’t judge ;-). Georgie was at her competitive best and with the use of a good old rugby shoulder charge managed to push into the lead and win the race – her prize? You guessed it another tequila. It’s pretty clear that this establishment work on the theory that the drunker they get you the more you will buy! Anyway after a great night we finally stumbled outside and haggled for a taxi home.

We woke up on Wednesday a little hung-over but still in high spirits, and made our way back to our pool for some swimming and relaxation. After a quick snack Leise and I made our way to Hooters for a quick drink and to try and catch the Arsenal v Liverpool game, but unfortunately they were not showing it. We then made a quick stop into the Diesel shop for Leise to buy some jeans, before heading to the other side of Cancun to do some grocery shopping at Wal-Mart. We advised our taxi driver we would be 10 minutes, but being boys in a grocery store we ended up taking an hour – it’s not easy finding everything! Among our purchases was a bottle of Jose Cuervo Tequila for just £3.50. We walked outside expecting our taxi to have scarpered long ago but there he patiently waited. We got home and cooked up a Chilli con carne for the ladies. V made the most amazing margaritas and we all got nicely into the swing of things. After a great meal and a few drinks we decided to stay in our apartment for our last night (the previous night had pretty much blown the budget!), and it was nice to have an early night for a change.

We woke up on Thursday morning to go and do some quick shopping at the Diesel shop. V and I made a quick purchase and then we all headed back to the flat. We packed up and were collected at 12pm on the dot to make our way down the coast to Playa del Carmen, a stunning town just an hour from Cancun. Could quite easily have stayed longer in Cancun, it really is stunning but time is short and lots to see so off we go – Adios for now!

Cancun Mexico - Pictures

Our apartment in Cancun and what a view to wake up to!

Lara taking it all in and ready to hit the pool

The pool area of our complex is right on the beach - perfect!

The beach is absolutely stunning!

The view of our apartments from the pool


After a tough day at the pool we are all dressed up and ready to go out - shorts and flip flops are all you need here!

This way to Cancun Centre...

We arrive at one of the centres near lots of bars and restaurants

Playing the fool on our walk

Don't look behind you!!

First stop for a drink, the famous Hooters and the girls are keen
Hooters Bar inside
Time for a cocktail to cool down!

Great cocktails, ice cold and colourful

A quick nibble before we head off for dinner, not sure who the pirate is?!

After Hooters it's time for a quick drink at the Rainforest Cafe

Lara playing around in the Rainforest Cafe shop

Everyone gets a funky chair

A few drinks and we've warmed up a bit by now....

Love this sign!

We make our way to Senor Frogs for dinner

Here we are and the party is about to begin!

This way please....

Love the decor in this place

Our first tequila in Mexico, the first of many!!
Wise words!

Time for a round of tequila's, back you go!

V is up next

Lara's turn

No escape for Leise

Being single Georgie gets special attention for her shot!

Dinner arrives - it actually looked more impressive than it tasted

Halfway through your meal they drag you up for a dance

All the girls are up...

This is where the water slide finishes, watch out for the Crocs!

A nice Cuban after a good meal

V enjoying a quick puff

When in Mexico.....

Drinks of all shapes and sizes

Cocktails and more cocktails

Clearly enjoying our night

Making friends, our MC for the night

Time to hit the dancefloor...

V not looking very impressed with the rude baloons ;-)

Lara and Leise looking much happier!

A few too many tequilas by this stage ;-)

Georgie's turn for some party games, and she goes on to win this one!
Almost home time!
A quick breakfast and catch up with the world before heading out
Another beautiful day in Cancun and time to hit our pool again

Another tough day at the office ;-)

Time to head in for dinner and our last look at our pool - how blue is that water, the sea and the pool....

Home made Chilli con Carne for our last night, good work boys!