Saturday 6 February 2010

Vang Vieng - Photos

All aboard the minivan for our trip from Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng
Clyde trying to get some sleep on the trip - it was like a washing machine in the back!
Arriving in Vang Vieng and catching a tuck tuck to our hotel - which managed to drop us off in the wrong place!
The beautiful Nam Song river running past our resort
Meeting up with the gang for Sasha's birthday celebration
The scenery is spectacular!
Some off road driving by the locals...
Our cute bungalows at this resort
We head to the Aussie Bar for late afternoon drinks - V, Sasha, Shandy and Lara enjoying an ice cold drink to start!
Leise, Al, Clyde, Greg and Craig tuck straight into ice cold beers!
Some pool for the boys...
Late night at The Rock Bar
More jugs - and they are also potent!
The night turns into a serious party!
Greg and V enjoying another jug...
A great first night in Vang Vieng
On our bikes and off we go to explore...
The countryside is beautiful...
Clyde leads the way...
We stop for a break on the way...
And soak up the views
Al and Lara take the opportunity to rest those hangovers...
Sasha fetches ice cold cokes for everyone...
Almost time to move on

And off we go - Greg and Shandy lead the way this time...
Craig and Sasha
The Leisegangs and their funky helmets!

We arrive at the Blue Lagoon which is beautiful
The swings are great fun!
Greg takes the plunge...
Then it's time to relax
And enjoy the sun
Stopping off later that night for pancakes on the way home - yummy!

Arriving at the top of the river...
About to head off down the river
The river is full of swings and slides - alongside all the bars

Mudpit tug of war anyone!?
The girls enjoy a cocktail and a break
Greg diving off a swing
Ramping off the slide into the river
Full marks for this dive!
Back on the river...

Last rounds...
Heading home in formation...
Time for dinner
And a party!
Clyde, Al and Greg relaxing at the pool...
Before some competitive volleyball
Stunning scenery at this resort
The girls lap up some sun at the pool
The boys take a swim after some sweaty exercise
Geoff, Craig and Al smashing some seriously large tequilas for losing the volleyball
A quick local whisky shot before hitting the tubes...
The boys getting ready for the water
They keep trying to load us up with more shots!
Another stunning day in Vang Vieng!
In we go...
First stop and time for some Beer Pong
The girls challenge the boys...
V and Shev have to drop their shorts and run around the table after getting whitewashed!
Next bar and time for a rest
Some of the local kids showing off their tubing skills
V about to jump off the ramp on this swing...
The rest of us shout encouragement from the safety of the ground!
Another round of cocktails for the girls...
The boys swim across the river to go and play volleyball - with their beers above their heads!
They return to relax - Al and Geoff enjoying a beer on the water
Launching off the river slide
Last rounds on our last day in Vang Vieng - what a great few days!!

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