Thursday 18 February 2010

Mumbai - Photos

Welcome to Mumbai
V and Shandy outside the airport waiting for our taxi...
Your chariot awaits! Taxi Mumbai style
The boys looking tired and grumpy waiting for our hotel room...
Nice big rooms though!
We hit the city - V and Lara ready for some shopping
The rest arriveing by taxi...
The girls get stuck in!
Traditional Indian dress everywhere..
The Indian flag
Greg prepares the route for our walking tour...
The massive Maiden Oval - full of locals playing cricket, football and even rugby!

V and Shandy taking a leisurely stroll on the tour...

Some stunning architecture in the city

The High Court is impressive - and plenty of armed guards for security
The Flora Fountain
St Thomas' Cathedral is a stunning building!
No spitting please!
Some roadside toasted sandwiches - Indian style!

Leise gets offered an extra role in a Bollywood movie - they must be desperate ;-)
The hugely impressive Gateway to India
The Taj Mahal hotel which is still being restored after the terrorist attacks in 2008

A great finish to a fascinating tour around this crazy city
Mumbai harbour which lies behind the Gateway to India
Horse and Cart for those who like a different form of transport
After a tough tour we head for a drink at the famous Leopold Cafe & Bar
Shandy tucks into a well earned beer!
We're very thirst ;-)
A well earned rest!
Time for diner and we head to the recommended but not so inviting Baghdadi Restaurant
Luckily we didn't stay too long at Leopold's
Brilliant curries all round - and no utensils, proper Indian style! A great finish to our first night in Mumbai
Greg bravely takes the front seat for this taxi ride!
Off we head to the beach
Beautiful garden along the beachfront
Welcome to Chowpatty Beach

The high rises in the background
The beach is shamefully polluted - the water described in Lonely Planet as "Toxic"
It's hot and time for a rest in the shade!
The sign says it all - there is a non stop blasting of horns in this city!
A motorists view ;-)
We arrive at the Mani Bhavan museum - Ghandi's residence when he stayed in Mumbai

A sculpture to the great man himself
A small part of his extensive library

These puppet displays of key moments in his life are brilliant - here Ghandi is kicked out of first class on a South Africa train for being a non white!
His famous Salt March
There are loads depicting his life
His funeral - a sad day in Indian history!
His living and working area in the house

After an enjoyable tour round the museum Lara takes a breather - it's also time for lunch
We have a great lunch at a bookstore and then browse for an hour
On our way to the airport we pass through some typical Mumbai slums

Chilling on the side of this busy road - cows are sacred here and move for nobody!
Sunset over Mumbai as we approach the airport
We arrive and are about to head off to Jaipur in the North for the next stop on our Indian adventure...

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