Saturday 6 February 2010

Siem Reap - Photos

Boarding another prop plane for our flight from Laos to Cambodia
Popular Guesthouse, our new home for our stay in Siem Reap
It's a late arrival so we head straight out for dinner...
And immediately sample the local beer
We have amazing Indian for dinner - then it's home to bed for an early start

The amazing statues at the main gates
Clyde, Shandy and Greg about to head in
Some people prefer elephants for getting around
Our first temple and the place is already packed with tourists...
Our first Buddha of the day
Clyde checks on where we are headed next...
Stunning sculptures and artwork adorn all the temples
Some local traditional dress

There are a few steep climbs to get to the top of some of these temples

V stops to pick up some fresh fruit refreshments...
Back on board our mini van tour as we head off to more temples
Elephants are sacred in this part of the world

V tackles another steep climb...
And we make it to the top...
The hard part is getting back down!
Group shot
The trees have overgrown some of the temples

The tour involves beautiful walks through the forests...
We were hugely impressed with these guys!
Much better than begging!
A quick stop for lunch near the water

Stunning scenery on the walk

Outside the incredible Angkor Wat
About to enter the main gate...
Angkor Wat - unbelievable!
Enjoying the walk and the impressive wall carvings and murals

Ancient and stunning!

Enjoying the walk around the outside of this giant temple

A typical Buddhist monk

After a long day of walking it's time to head home
Up at the crack of dawn hoping to catch a great sunrise at Angkor Wat
Tuck Tuck number 1
Tuck Tuck number 2 looking a bit more awake!
We are not the only ones up at this time - plenty of locals picking up produce for the markets
Dawn starts to break
Not the clearest sunrise but still a spectacular experience!
The hordes of early risers waiting for the perfect photo
Including us!

Definitely worth the effort - a great start to the day!
Taking in this impressive place for the last time
Heading back to our hotel...
One last look!
Home for a quick nap before our afternoon bus to Phnom Penh

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