Thursday 11 February 2010

Phnom Penh - Photos

Just arrived in Phnom Penh and it's time for dinner
A new day and time for a quick breakfast at Penny Lane's
S-21 - TOUL SLONG PRISON The gates to the prison which is now a museum left almost exactly as found
Memorial graves for the 14 unidentified bodies found when the prison was abandoned

One of the torture cells
This prison was originally a school
Building B is where the prison cells were
This structure was used to suspend prisoners for torture

Pictures are scattered throughout the prison to commemorate those who died here
The head of the Khmer Rouge - Pol Pot. Pure evil

Some of the brick cells the prisoners lived in - these were better than the wooden ones! THE KILLING FIELDS
Back aboard our tuck tuck and off we go to The Killing Fields on the outskirts of the city
We are driving on the WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD! Doesn't seem to bother the drivers here but look at the traffic we are driving through. Best to close your eyes ;-)
The gates to The Killing Fields
The Cambodian flag
Some of the many mass grave sites

This tree is probably the sickest part of the whole thing - not for the squemish!

This monument is the centre piece of the Killing Fields
Paying tribute

The inside of the monument is full of skulls and bones from those who perished here
On our way through the city centre to the river front and Royal Palace
A quick pose with our tuck tuck driver who looked after us all day
The entrance of the Royal Palace

Some stunning buildings around the Palace
Off for a drink along the river

Lara enjoys the view from our bar balcony
Time for a big night out at the Gym Bar
Shandy, Lara and V tuck into some pub food
The boys hit the tequila

Such concentration...
From both of them - they still lost though ;-)
The last ice cream on the desert menu so Leise and I have to share!
It's late and all too much for Lara who passes out on the couch

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