Saturday 13 February 2010

Sihanouk Ville - Photos

Our home for the next few days in Sihanouk Ville

We head straight to the closest beach... We quickly stop for lunch

And enjoy the view
Then it's back to our resort for a swim to cool down
We head out for dinner on our first night
It was roast dinners all round!
Waiting outside for a tuck tuck
Our favourite form of transport
V and Lara enjoying the ride home in luxury...
We stop at our nearest shop for ice creams - no shoes allowed inside here!
V makes friends with this cute little guy
Leise dives in first!

A new day and we head to Sokha Beach
This beach is beautiful

The girls take a swim...
We all soon follow
Then it's time for the boys to play Frisbee

It's another competitive game on tour After all that exercise it's time to take a break
And catch some sun
We head to the swimming pool at this resort....
Leise, Al and Clyde taking it nice and easy under this palm tree
Love this sign!

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