Monday 9 November 2009

San Pedro - Belize - Photos

This is how we kill time on the private transfer - watching movies

Welcome to Belize

A quick bag check in customs

Not the biggest airport in the world, this is one of two buildings

Lara and Leise about to purchase tickets

Georgie and V in the "departure lounge"

V doesn't look too sure about this idea ;-)


We're crammed in but still looking happy!

Stunning coastline of the mainland

Leanardo de Caprio's island, tough for some!

The sun is slowly setting

Not far now and the nerves are subsiding a bit

Nearly ready to land now....

We have landed safely, relief all round!

Our new home

The view from our back door, and check out the hammock

Our private jetty, and the apartment in the background

Our very own pool bar

Stunning beaches right outside

Beautiful shells everywhere on this island

Georgie knocks up an awesome chocolate cake for us

A fully stocked fridge - with the essentials as always!

V has finished the shopping and has her famous chicken pasta on the go....

Dinner at the Blue Water Grill

They serve all sorts on this menu - a little something for Leise!

V and Lara warming up

Drinks and cocktails before our meal

Another great dinnner on tour

All ready for our morning of snorkelling - wasn't far to the boat, that's our apartment in the background

A bit of food and slowly the sharks begin to surround the boat

They keep coming....

That's a lot of sharks!!!!

Lara not scared to get close!

Leise and Georgie building up the courage to get in!

Our guide feeding the sharks

Getting up close and personal with a stingray!

All smiling faces now!

Well done team, we swam with sharks today

Time to head home

The girls are satisfied after a great morning in the sea

Bike hire anyone?

This is the local transportation on the island

Time for a drink at the Tackle Box bar

First drinks on the waterfront.... nice!

Shaun and Georgie enjoying themselves

Enjoying our last night

Belikin beer, local Belize brew and it's good!

Fido's for dinner

Something to get you in the mood for the upcoming dives!

The live band who were from Dallas and were excellent

Red Indian shots ..... potent!

Leise and Lara hit the dancefloor

Last dance before heading home

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