Thursday 19 November 2009

Caye Caulker - Belize - Photos

Welcome to Caye Caulker, Go Slow! This really is paradise!

Our taxi golf cart collects us at the jetty

All aboard for the most expensive taxi ride!

Home sweet home

Outside our new home

Our garden and braai area

The main road on the island

The island is absolutely stunning!

Time for lunch at The Bamboo Grill on the beach

Ready for our lunch, we are hungry

The view from inside

A berry blast, and its yummy!

Nice stroll along the beach

About to head off and explore the rest of our island

The famous Lazy Lizard Bar

The view from inside the bar

The island is full of dogs, and V wanted to adopt every one!

The Barrier Reef Sport Bar, and time for the friday night quiz

The quizmaster, Mr Eccentric!

Our quiz team leader, beer at hand!

Georgie and Lara write down the answer

And they are right!

Our new Canadian friend Kasey

Second place, not bad!
And off we go, walking the streets

Belize, we love this country!

A wedding on the beach, stunning setting

It's the Lazy Lizard Bar, our favourite spot!

And we arrive, ready for a swim to cool down!

The sun worshippers gather...

It's a beautiful part of the island

Have lunch and cool off in the water at the same time, nice!

Nice and relaxed

Ready to lap up some sun

Our fellow South African travellers who we met

Proper island living, house boat Belizean style

Feeding the birds, who catch fish right out of your hand

Georgie mixing with the local kids
It's another tough day at the office ;-)


Georgie and I enjoying a beer in the water

The view from our spot

The sun beating down on the Lizard Bar

The girls lapping up more sun

You have to spend a lot of time in the water to keep cool

Now that's a lobster - one of the local fishermans catches

The Jolly Roger, a great spot for dinner

Lobster tails were brilliant

Flashing the cash, guess who is in charge of our kitty

Time for drinks and Kasey takes us to the I&I reggae bar

Lara, Georgie and Kasey swinging away at the bar

Another round topped up

The boys tuck into the great Belizean beer

The Belizean flag

Chilling out on the roof terrace at I&I

Can't take the smiles off our faces

Party on our roof terrace
Leise managed to consume almost the entire bottle for 1 round of drinks, great barman ;-)
Sunset on the island

Beautiful every time

Dinner time and we decide to hit Rose's Grill

The fresh fish and lobster is laid out for you to take your pick

Lobster anyone...
You can't beat fish on the braai/barbecue

Basic but brilliant
Our braai master, and he knows what he's doing

Dinner is served, and it is amazing!

Georgie goes for the big guy, a whole Red Snapper

Tucking into the freshest fish
Happy faces after a great seafood meal

A postcard of what we are about to dive, The Blue Hole!
Frenchies Diving - such an early start it's still dark

The 2 hour boat ride begins

Almost ready for the Blue Hole
A quick pee in the water before climbing back on board and gearing up - as per the crews instructions!

V and I all geared up and ready to hit the water

Lara and Leise all ready

About to descend
Our second dive, right next to Half Moon Caye island

Group shot after our second dive

A quick break and check out the view

Our dive boat, and we stop for lunch and to explore

Lunch time and we are dropped off on Half Moon Caye island

This way to the observation deck

Off we go to find the birds
Leise and Lara enjoying the island

Strolling along the gorgeous beach

On our walk to the observation deck

The birds are unique and colourful

Beautiful beach and the softest sand


Georgie and Lara taking in the scene

Time for our final dive and the fish are out in force!

We came across these dolphine who were loving swimming and performing for us

What an unbelievable experience, a real treat after a great day

The boat crew taking us home

Mr "Stars and Stripes", providing great humour for everyone on the boat...
A random house on a tiny little island in the middle of nowhere!

Lara and V enjoying the boat ride home

Great choice for our last night

Great menu and the food is amazing!
A perfect dinner to finish with on our last night, right on the beach

Heading home for the last time, absolutely gutted to be leaving!

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