Saturday 21 November 2009

Guatemala - Photos

7.30am and ready for the water taxi from Caye Caulker to Belize City

Goodbye to our favourite island

V and Georgie as we arrive in Belize City

Time to kill and strolling the streets

Lara and her favourite, the Manatees!

Hunting for the Internet, and we find the Radisson hotel

The border and unfortunately we are leaving....

Georgie, Leise and V as we hit the Guatemala side

Welcome to Guatemala

Leise at the Guatemala version of foreign exchange...

Our bus - no luxuries here!

The bridge into Guatemala

We swap the bus for a minivan into Flores

Our bags are packed precariously on the roof....

Welcome to Flores

Some interesting local transport

The streets of Flores

A picture in our hotel of what the town looks like

Welcome to our new hotel

The Guatemala flag on the left

Dinner time

Great restaurant and great pizza, right on the waterfront

Bed time for V

4.20am and we are up and ready first for our trip to Tikal

Lara is late for the first time on tour, still no sign of Leise!

Our funky new raincoats

Welcome to Tikal

It's pouring first thing in the morning

The sun finally comes out and time to ditch the plastic raincoats

Off we go...

The National Tree of Guatemala

Look at the state of those feet!

Our tour guide gets nice and close to a tarantula

Leise and Lara heading deeper into the jungle...

Lara, Leise and Georgie

Georgie almost fell down a muddy slope, much to the "concern" of her friend V

Lara and V take a break - it's a lot of walking!

A sign for one of the many temples here

Time to climb to the top of this one

I am right behind them....

Lara halfway up

Georgie loving the view at the top

Quick pose at the top

Spectacular view!

V sits this one out and writes up some postcards!

And on we go.....

Tired and sweaty now!

V in front of another temple

It's a steep one!

And up we go again - V joins in this time ;-)

It's a tough one

We all made it though Another great view

Looking happy but we still have to get down!

Lara and Leise, last ones down ;-)

This is malaria territory and they are out in force so we stop to apply some more mossie spray

This was our 3rd application in 3 hours, no chances taken!
Welcome to the Acropolis, the centre of the ruin site
A view of the perimeter
Well earned break before we head down

It's well hidden in the jungle

The grounds are beautiful

Lara and V off to explore

This part is stunning

Leise and I conquered this guy while the girls rested...

Glad we don't have to climb this one!

Panoramic view of the Acropolis - very impressive!

Time to head back, we have a coach to catch...

Dropped off and abandoned, so much for that lift to the station!!!

Some healthy yoghurt before we depart =

The girls are ready for the 8 hour slog! =

V still tryin to make up her mind about this local delicacy...

Looks good but looks can be deceiving!

Our Guatemala City hotel. This is typical when we arrive at any hotel, Internet time ;-)

Our humble digs on our last night in Guatemala, Miami tomorrow!

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