Friday 27 November 2009

Miami - Photos

It's goodbye South and Central America as we fly into Miami

The city skyline

After a mammoth passport control experience we finally get to rejoin our team!

Lara and Leise's hire car, meet "The Beast"

All ready to head to South Beach

A quick bite to eat on our way

Miami South Beach, we love it!

Our hotel

First night and we hot a great Irish bar and restaurant on the beach

After all that stress it's time for a bucket of beer

Everyone is happy to be in the States

This is a skirt steak - best steak since Argentina!

Oysters for Lara and V

V ready to tuck into her steak

Seafood for Georgie

A great dinner and first night in the USA

Day 2 and time for brunch

Our new home and a good place to find some food

A great little bistro

Interesting decor, check out the picture behind Georgie

Raunchy sculpture and picture in the background...

V and Georgie off for some shopping and the beach

Yet another stunning beach on our travels

Some very arty areas in the city

A good day shopping for Georgie

The perfect restaurant for dinner

Beer and cocktails to start

and then onto the wine for dinner

The food was amazing and the girls are obviously happy!

A great last night in Miami

They never had my size ;-)

Looks good on Georgie!

It's Saturday and "The Beast" arrives to take us to fort Lauderdale and our Caribbean cruise!

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