Sunday 10 January 2010

Krabi, Thailand - Photos

Leaving Malaysia and Greg has a quick snooze at the airport...

We arrive in Ao Nang in Krabi and have the most amazing Thai curries on our first night out

A great first night in Thailand


A nice early start for our tour...

First stop for some beach time and a quick snorkel

Collecting our kit from the guides

Stunning beach!

Lapping up the sun...

Back on the boat and off we go...

The scenery is amazing...

Next stop Maya Beach, featured in the movie "The Beach"

Time for another snorkel, check out the huge tour group that arrived!

The beach is unbelievable, pity about the number of tourists

From Maya Beach we head to Koh Phi Phi Island for lunch

Our view from the restaurant

We take a stroll to see a little of the island

Which is beautiful

Always time for some bat and ball

Off we go again...

Last snorkel of the day

Back to our hotel for fun and games in the pool

Then we head out for a few drinks and dinner...

With some local entertainment

Exploring the streets of Ao Nang...

A quick game of pool before bed

A quick McDonalds ice cream on the way home

Shandy managed to spill half of it down her dress!


We stop for breakfast on our way to Railey Beach

Mango shake for V

We catch a long boat out to the beach

Another gorgeous day in Thailand...

Greg leads the way to find the beach we want...

We arrive

The boys play frisbee

V and Shandy enjoy mielies for lunch

The long boats wait to take us home...

While we enjoy the view

Home time


Sunset from our hotel

Some whisky before we head out...

And a couple of Jaegers...

First stop The Last Fisherman Bar

Lara, Shandy and V all dressed up for a party

Then it's time for an Irish Pub...

And some pub games. Great to have Lara and Leise with us for New Years!

The winning team!

Group shot

Greg is in charge of the kitty!

Onto the next bar...

Leise and V with their South African wrist bands...

We catch a scooter taxi "deathtrap" to Lunar Bar for the midnight celebration

Fireworks as we approach midnight

Happy New Year and hello 2010!!!!

Chinese lanterns are lit up to celebrate


Look at the state of our feet, half our flops are missing!

Time for McDonalds on the way home...

Shandy getting close with Ronald...

We are starving - lucky for us the lady behind us lets us share her chips while we wait!

It's good!

We stagger home

Shandy and Lara are definitely ready for bed!

After a lazy hungover New Years day it's a quiet dinner!

The next day we are packed and off to Koh Samui, what a great time we had in Krabi

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