Sunday 24 January 2010

Koh Phangan - Thailand

We took a short ferry trip and a rather bumpy drive to reach our gorgeous bungalows at Baan Panburi. As soon as we had settled into our little huts we headed down to the hotel restaurant where we had a quick tasty lunch so that no time was wasted on the beach which was less than a hop skip and a jump away. The waves were so big and blue we were all dying to jump into the sea, so with not a minute wasted we lay our towels out on the sand and headed in for a late afternoon swim. It was so nice to be in big Durban like swells again that we stayed in the water till our eyes burnt from the salt and our fingers and toes were all wrinkly.

Once we had showered and emptied our cosies of all the sand we freshened up nicely and while the boys did some travel booking for us, Shands and I did a little research on India and Bali over a cocktail or two. Once we had all done enough work for the day we stepped into the hotel restaurant for a lovely dinner on the beach where Shands and I managed to rack up a hefty bill because we were so in the mood for a bottle of wine which doesn’t come cheap on these islands. After dinner we took a quiet stroll along the beach under a moonlit sky before we headed to bed for a peaceful nap under the mosquito net.

We woke the next morning to another glorious day on the island and after a tasty breakfast we pulled out the deck chairs and found a prime spot on the beach. The day consisted mostly of swimming, tanning and reading our books until there just no more sun to be had. That evening we headed to Luna bar and restaurant for dinner and cocktails. It was a gorgeous setting, beautifully lit with fairly lights and candles and the decor was traditional Asian with low seating and heavy wooden tables. The boys enjoyed a Lamb Massaman curry which they rated as one of the best! Al’s pinocolada was a winner too. After a lovely dinner we headed back to the beach with some whiskey and the remainder of our Jagermaester in hand and sat and chatted and laughed with our friends under the moonlight until the early hours of the morning.

Needless to say we were not feeling all that well the next morning so we had to grab what we could to eat in the hope that it would cure our aches and pains. The weather wasn’t all that great so we spent the day juggling between swimming, dosing, reading our books and checking out what was happening in the world on the internet. Once we’d managed to pull ourselves together we headed to the Reggae bar for a great dinner and soft drinks before heading home for a well earned rest.

Koh Phangan is a stunning island and one of our favourites in Thailand . Here are our highlights and lowlights:
- The waves in the sea are great, it’s like being in Durban!
- Our own little full moon party on the beach with Shands and Greg, what a great way to spend time with friends.
- Baan Panburi village, a beautiful resort away from the hustle and bustle

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