Monday 25 January 2010

Koh Tao - Photos

Ferry time, on our way to Koh Toa...

Shandy and V get some air...

Arriving at the island...

We catch some beach time before sunset

Time for sundowners...

A beautiful end to the afternoon...

Shev and Geoff arrive from London and join us. Shev and Shandy enjoying dinner here

We head to the Lotus Bar for friday night drinks...

Free fire show by the locals on the beach included

These buckets of local whisky and coke, red bull, sprite etc are lethal. Geoff, Greg and I tuck in!

Some random Swedish girls join us for a few drinks...

Getting smashed!!

The fire shows are amazing, even if they do come a bit close!

Shandy and V stumble home after a great night!

A quick breakfast on Saturday morning before spending the day at the beach

One of our favourite beaches in Thailand

Shandy mixing with the locals...

Dinner on the water

It's a gorgeous restaurant

Another day and time for some diving...

Greg, Shandy and V ready and waiting...

Another glorious day on the island!

Shev and Geoff back from a morning dive

Heading out to our dive spot...

V enjoying another beautiful sunset on the boat

Back on shore

Our last morning and we head for breakfast...

Shandy and I ready for some grub...

Packing up and getting ready to go...

Waiting for our taxi to the ferry...

The streets of Koh Toa

Our taxi arrives...

After a 2 hour ferry we hit the mainland...

Now to get to the train station for our overnight trip to Bangkok...

We get to the station to catch our train...

Greg ready to catch anything to get there!

Shandy gets comfy on our overnight sleeper!

It's a tight squeeze!

After an early 4am rise the beds are turned into chairs. Next stop our flight to Laos...

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