Friday 15 January 2010

Ao Nang (Krabi) - Thailand

After a short Air Asia flight we arrived safe and sound at Krabi airport. While the boys were trying to figure out the ATM Shands negotiated a great deal on our bus ride to Ao Nang, though we had to run because the bus was leaving ASAP! The bus ride was pretty painless and we checked into Sabai Mansions which was going to be our home for the next 4 nights. Once we’d unpacked our bags we headed down to the pool for a swim and some sundowners. That evening we found a great little restaurant where the boys had tasty curries, while I had a lovely Tom Yum Soup. Shands was a little less fortunate though. Her calamari was so spicy it was impossible to swallow. After dinner we sat in our little hut and played a bit of cards over a few beers and cocktails before heading off to bed.

We woke up bright and early on Wednesday morning for our pick up for our tour of the Phi Phi islands. We started with a quick stop on Monkey island where we did a few minutes snorkelling before the fire coral chased us out the water and onto the beach to dry off. We then took a scenic route to Maya Beach (where the movie The Beach was filmed). Along the way we passed through beautiful alcoves where the water is clear turquoise and the cliffs hang over the ocean in stunning greenery. When we arrived it was a little chaotic. As you can imagine this is a spot that everyone wants to visit and there were boats full to the brim of tourists jumping into the ocean or taking in the rays on the sand. We did a touch more snorkelling before we were given the opportunity to dry off in the sun. You can see why this location was chosen for the movie. It’s just spectacular!

After a brief break we jumped back onto our boat and headed to Koh Phi Phi Island for a tasty lunch of Thai dishes. We then took a little walk before playing a bit of bat and ball while waiting for the final leg of the trip. We then did one last snorkel off Middle Island before heading back to our hotel for a dip in the pool. In the evening we headed out for dinner starting with a couple of beers in a tiny little bar where a local was singing live with his guitar doing some great versions of old classics in a Thai accent....brilliant! Following a few drinks we found a great spot for some more great Thai food. After dinner and some cards we took a stroll and found a bar with a pool table and decided to take on the Van Alvin’s in a game or two. After the emotional challenges we headed towards McDonalds for an ice cream treat before bedtime.

After a tasty fruit shake (fresh fruit blended with ice) for breakfast we jumped on a Long Tail Boat and headed for Railey beach. The ride was short but took us straight to Railey from where we took a stroll to find the more secluded Panang Beach to relax for the afternoon. Fortunately Greg and Shandy had been here before so knew where they were going and after a 10 minute walk we arrived on another beautiful beach and quickly made ourselves at home. This involved the boys playing Frisbee while the girls tucked into some barbecued mielies which were tasty! After a few hours of soaking up the hot sun it was time to catch a long boat back to Ao Nang for some relaxation at the pool before getting ready for our New Years Eve celebrations.

We met up that night at Greg and Sandy’s room to start the evening off with some free whisky and Jaegermeister we had brought from Malaysia. Lara and Leise had joined us by now as they had just arrived to celebrate with us all. The free alcohol certainly got us in the mood and off we set for a walk around Ao Nang to see what was happening. We started off at the Last Fisherman Pub for a couple of drinks near the beach. After this we took a short walk along the main road to enjoy the festivities as everyone was getting into the New Year spirit and Chinese lanterns were being launched all over the place. We were dragged into o’Malleys Irish Bar where we settled in for a few more drinks and some drinking games. By now we were merrily on our way and we made one ,more stop at a bar on the way to the New Year party we had agreed to go to. This bar was packed and we continued drinking and even managed a quick game of pool before we jumped on the dodgiest puk puk taxi to get to Lunar Bar in time for midnight.

We were dropped off about 5 minutes from the club and had to dash as it was only 10 minutes before midnight. We barged our way in and headed straight for an area right on the beach to enjoy the fireworks in the distance which were amazing! Finally it was midnight and there was much rejoicing as 2010 had finally arrived. The boys then braved the crowds to fetch drinks at the bar which took ages. After some more dancing Lara decided she wanted to dive into the sea to mark the occasion which didn’t appeal to all of us but Greg and I quickly followed her in much to the amusement of the crowd. Our friend Natalie then arrived to wish us a Happy New Year and we danced away until the early hours. Finally we decided to make our way home and so jumped on another death-trap taxi.

In our drunken state we told the driver to stop at McDonalds on the way and we quickly poured in to tuck into some burgers and cokes before bed. The orders took ages as the place was pretty busy but being New Year and everyone in a jovial a nice Swedish lady offered us some of her chips while we waited. Big mistake as Leise, Greg and Ali pretty much wolfed them all in no time – we did share ours with her once they came. After having our fill we staggered the last 5 minutes home before slumping off to our beds dreading the hangovers that awaited us!

We woke up on New Years day and spent the entire afternoon at the pool, which we decided was was much better than suffering in the snow and cold of London ;-). It was the only thing we could think of to make us feel better. Then it was time for afternoon naps before making our way out for a respectable diner at a pizzeria, which involved only a couple of beers and cold drinks for the ladies. Then it was straight home to bed as everyone was still pretty tired and we had to pack up for leaving the next day. Ali and I enjoyed a quick movie on bed before passing out for a well earned sleep.

We woke up on Saturday morning to say goodbye to Lara and Leise who were staying a couple more days and then going to Vietnam. Greg, Shandy, Ali and I then caught taxi to the bus stop (a very basic hut in the middle of nowhere where coaches were arriving and leaving from all over Thailand). We were then directed across the street with a group of fellow backpackers to catch our coach as it stopped on it’s way past – very strange! From there we made our way across to the East coast to catch our ferry Koh Samui island.

So after a brilliant few days and hectic New Years Eve party in Ao Nang, here are our highlights and lowlights:
- The island and snorkelling tour was amazing. Phi Phi island is beautiful and Maya Beach is spectacular, just a pity it is so overpopulated by tourists now (although that obviously includes us!)
- Our spontaneous New Years eve was a great night, so happy we got to spend it with some of our friends despite being on the other side of the world

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