Wednesday 27 January 2010

Luang Prabang - Laos

After our version of Planes, Trains and Automobiles (plus Ferry) which involved a 3 hour ferry , an overnight train and a short flight from Bangkok we finally arrived in Luang Prabang on Tuesday 12 January. This town in Laos is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and literally means “Royal Buddha Image”. This beautiful town is so peaceful as it is protected from heavy traffic and industry, and only has a population of 105 000 which maintains its relaxed charm.

Once we had settled into our rooms, Clyde, Lara and Leise came to pick us up and took us to a great bar / restaurant which they had found the day before called Utopia. The deck had fabulous views of the Namkong River as it slowly flowed passed and was a beautiful spot to have a light lunch before we hit the beach volleyball court which was also on the premises. After a gruelling battle the Leisegang/Ali team beat the Van Alvin/V/Clydo team, and each player had some kind of bruise or scrape to show for it. After the 5 hours of volleyball we headed to the Hive bar for a quick bite to eat before heading back to the hotel in a tuk tuk. Everything in Luang Prabang shuts at 11.30 each night which helps to conserve the authenticity of this beautiful town.....everything apart from the ten pin bowling that is.....

We woke up well rested on Wednesday morning and headed off for a short walk to find breakfast. There is still a strong French influence here in Laos and you can mostly see it in the architecture as well as the menus filled with tasty baguettes and pastries. So after some fresh baked goods to fill our tummies, Shands, Greg, Al and I headed off for the walking tour of the town. We started with a walk up the main hill where we were not only treated to great views over the beautiful town, it’s stunning gold temples, the Mekong and Namkong rivers and the rolling hills which surround the area but also given the opportunity to enjoy a large temple situated at the top of the hill and Shands even got to know a monk a little better. To show respect to the monks you are asked not to speak to them, not to take photos of them and always remain below them in height but this monk called Vincent was keen to get to know all about Shands and was enjoying practising his English with her. We then continued through and around the town which is among one of the prettiest that we have seen and more often than not we were greeted with beautiful smiling faces of the towns people.

After our walk we headed back to the hotel for a chill before heading out for dinner at a restaurant which was situated right on the river and beautifully lit with pretty coloured lanterns. After a few drinks and a tasty meal we then jumped into a tuk tuk which comprised of a little 50 cc motorbike which literally crawled along with the weight of 7 people on the back and headed to Ten Pin Bowling!!! One of the highlights was Al needing 3 strikes in the last set to beat Greg and he managed to do it (no idea how!). This resulted in great celebration from him and plenty comments like “Jammy B*st*rd” from the others! A great night was had by all and after 3 rounds and a lot of giggles (and nearly beating my husband to first place in the last game by a mere 5 points) we were well and truly tired and headed home to bed.

We woke up nice and early on Thursday morning and Alistair was not feeling well. Opting not to be too far away from the bathroom he decided to stay in while the rest of us headed out to the [] waterfalls and bear sanctuary. We started off with the bears and watched as they rummaged for their breakfast (as it’s a sanctuary the goal is to re-introduce the bears into their natural habitat so the carers hide their tasty treats in the trees and the under the rocks etc. So the bears have to seek the food out before they fill up). Once we’d taken some good shots of the bears we then took a walk to the waterfall which was just stunning. The sound, of the water combined with the beautiful vegetation and clear blue water was just breathtaking....not to mention the temperature. Clyde and Greg couldn’t resist the monkey swing into the bottom and it was not the warmest water they had ever swum in.

We browsed the area for a little longer and then headed back to the town for a tasty lunch. As it was a little chilly we opted for a lovely French deli for some comfort food. With a snack pack under our arms for Al, we headed back to the hotel to do a little admin etc. before a quiet dinner at a beautiful restaurant which treated us to a traditional dance show and music. Then it was time for bed as we had an early start to make our way down to Vang Vieng and meet up with more friends to celebrate Sasha’s birthday

Luang Prabang is a stunning little town full of character and beauty. Here are our highlights and lowlights:
- The monks are a sight to behold, in their bright orange and yellow robes they have a quiet disposition that can only be highly respected.
- This town is as picturesque and peaceful as you could wish for, one of our favourites
- The local people are so friendly, helpful, and happy to see you – you are made to feel really welcome here

Luang Prabang, Laos - Photos

At Bangkok airport about to board our twin prop plane to Luang Prabang

We meet up with the Leisegangs (and Clyde)

On our walk to the Utopia Bar on the river

Group reunion

Stunning view over the river

Time for some beach volleyball...

It gets very competitive!

Time for another refreshment break...

It's sweaty work!

The girls all ready for the final set - unfortunately for them Lara, Leise and I won ;-)

Dinner and drinks on our first night in the beautiful Luang Prabang
V and Shandy ready for a walking tour of the town

Which is full of beautiful temples everywhere you go

Lara outside the National Museum

A quick stop for breakfast - we need the fuel ;-)

Greg, Shandy and V at the steps leading to the temple on top of the hill in the middle of the town

Not even halfway yet!

We finally make it - lovely view of the river from this side

Greg, Shandy and I take time to catch our breath...

What a picturesque town

Greg, Shandy and V soaking up the view

The temple on top of the hill - it is lit up at night and can be seen from everywhere in the town

Time to make our way back down...

There are Buddha statues all over the hill

The views on the way down...

The chilled out Tueday Buddha, our favourite ;-)

One of the many monks walking around the town

Back down to the river and this small farm on the side

We continue walking the rest of the town and admiring the beautiful temples..

Funky and immaculate old car

Some typical buildings in Luang Prabang which has a huge French influence

Plenty of Hammer and Sickle flags around the town

One of the main temples in the town, it is huge and stuning

Tough day - this tuck tuck driver taking a nap

Boats on the Mekong River

More streets on the walk home

Almost home...
Heading out for dinner through the night market

The night market in full flight - streets are closed to traffic in the evening for this market

Dinner on the river - another great meal...

Shandy, Greg and V on the tuck tuck on the way to late night tenpin bowling, which only opens at 10pm

Leise and Clyde enjoying the ride...

We pose with out tuck tuck driver who was good fun

The best kept secret in Luang Prabang!

Shandy and Greg are raring to go!

V whipping one down the lane

This was competitive as always and a fantastic night out!
Another day and time for some exploring...

We head to the Waterfall...

...and Bear Sanctuary...

So cute!

The gang at the stunning waterfall...

Time for a break


Last dinner in Luang Prabang which we have all loved. An early start the next day for our trip to Vang Vieng