Sunday 27 December 2009

Sydney - Photos

Manly Beach

Great beach and great weather on our first day

Trudging back from another swim just to keep cool...

V lapping up the sun as usual

Perfect amount of people, not too busy!

Our motel for our stay in Sydney

And it's right across the road from Manly beach
We head into the city for drinks at The Opera Bar right next to the opera House which is stunning!
Sydney Harbour Bridge

Time for the Green Day concert

A great concert and a great night

We meet up with Lara, Leise, Jo and Jean to tour the Northern Beaches - this is Avalon beach

Our friend Claire kindly lends us her car for the day - with aircon!
Next stop Dee Why Beach

We take a stroll along the rocks!

Time for lunch

And some local beer

Group shot at Freshwater Beach

Tribute to Duke Kahanamoku who introduced surfing to Australia

A statue of Duke which looks over Freshwater Beach


We meet up for Christmas dinner later at Jo and Jean's

Lara, Jo and V getting into the spirit

Our awesome hosts for the night, Jo and Jean

A great dinner party!

Time for a road trip...
Bondi beach is beautiful

The view back to the main road

Driving back to Manly we pass through more harbours and beaches...

Back to Manly for drinks on the harbour

We meet up with friends at the Bavarian Beer House

Leise and Willem enjoying the German beer

Lara and Yvette getting merry...

It's our last day in Sydney and goodbye to everyone who has looked after us here

A great setting for Sunday drinks

We head off to the North Head in Manly

V and I enjoying the view

We take a stroll with Michel and Claire through this conservation area

Great view of the Sydney skyline

V, Michel and Claire

Leaving Manly wharf for the last time...

Our last trip on the water ferry...

Last look at the opera House

We arrive at Circular Quay wharf

And catch the train to the airport, goodbye Sydney

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