Sunday 27 December 2009

Ho Chi Minh and Mekong Delta - Photos


Our awesome hotel

Bangkok airport, the best on our travels so far!

We had the best sushi and Thai curries

We arrive late and Greg and Angie serve up a brilliant Vietnamese dinner

Dinner was amazing and Greg gets out a selection of whisky - there would be sore heads in the morning!

Very happy to be in Vietnam

The best coffeee maker to finish the evening off
Shandy and V ready for a day in Ho Chi Minh City

Shandy and V with Mr Bang who kindly drove us around the city

Love these ATM's - like old phone booths

Such tourists ;-)

Ho Chi Minh himself

The national flag

We make our way to the central market

A quick browse but we decide to save cash and head to the War museum

Clyde our navigator... looking a little confused!

The traffic is a nightmare and crossing the street is deadly!

The War museum closes for lunch - bizarre!

We hit a bar to kill time...

The local beer is good...

The museum consists mostly of pictures which tell their own story

And some weapons

These are just a small sample of some of the amazing photography...

We come across a stunning park right in the middle of the city

V enjoying the gardens...

Trying to choose somewhere for lunch...

Crossing another street, great fun!

We hit the backpackers area

A great spot for some local food

V and Shandy are straight into the cocktails

Back to Greg and Angies, and Aiden is happy to see his mom

A long day of sight seeing now to get ready to head out for dinner

Angie and Greg take us to an amazing Vietnamese restaurant in the city

A new day and we make our way out of the city to the Mekong Delta

When you gotta go you gotta go...

Greg and Clyde ready for the adventure

We climb aboard the boat for our tour round this area

The local houses right on the river

Delivering fruit and veg by boat

A beautiful church we passed

Making sweets and goodies from local produce

Our tour guide for the day

This lady shows us how she makes rice paper every day

We are treated to local tea everywhere we stop...

Clyde is a big fan of the peanut brittles...

Genuine snake wine .... no thanks!

Some local arts and crafts in the small markets

This lady was our driver for the day

We stop at an old fruit farm

Beautiful house

They treat us to some fresh fruit

Meanwhile these 2 puppies tuck into their own lunch right next to us

A local fisherman

Time to stop for lunch

It's a great little restaurant

Greg ready for some Elephant Ear Fish....

Heading back to Ho Chi Minh, Shandy tucks into a beer on the way

One of the more modern bridges in Vietnam

Home to play with the kids on our last night - Dylan having a laugh with V

Aiden poses in his traditional hat for us - this took a little bribing!

Another amazing dinner being prepared for us

Yet another great meal from our awesome hosts

A game of pool before bed - up at 4am for our flight to Nha Trang

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