Friday 18 December 2009

Los Angeles - Photos

First night in LA and we head to Long Beach Shoreline for dinner and drinks

The harbour at night

Tolyo Wako for an amazing dinner

V loving the Sushi

Botle of wine of course!

Heading off for drinks

The Springbok Bar in Long Beach

Some great players from 90's

We hit the road to explore Los Angeles

The city skyline

We decide on a visit to Universal Studios

The main entrance

We quickly become a couple of kids!

There are random characters all over the place

Time for The Simpsons ride

Glad we didn't - the ride is unbelievable!
Homer greets us afterwards

We start exploring the complex and it's huge!

The boys from Apollo 11

Rides and entertainment from so many movies

Time for a tour...

It's massive

Our little tour tram

Special effects of 2 cars exploding

Jaws, the movie set...

And there he comes!

The set of Desperate Housewives for those who care ;-)

The hotel in Psycho
The War of the Worlds

It's brilliantly done

V insisted!
Shrek 4D - brilliant!

Gotta have your customary 3-D glasses

V meets Marilyn

Time for the Jurassic Park ride...

All peaceful and tranquil...

Until this 80 foot drop into water, we screamed like babies!

They even have a bit of Old London...

We almost felt homesick ..... almost ;-)

The Grand Finale, the Waterworld show

Live show with some serious stunts! This is the damsel in distress...

In burst the Pirates

The hero arrives,, on jetski!

Huge battle ensues...

This was amazing!! A plane crashes onto the set in flames...

The final battle

And the villain is thrown to his death

The good guys race off - The End

The cast lap up the applause - incredible live show!

V and I quickly pop into The House of Horrors on our way out and it was brilliantly done - almost had to change our underwear afterwards!

By the time we finish its dark and the rest of the theme park is beautifully lit up

We hit Tony Romas for some dinner

Great finish to a great day

And awesome ribs at last!

Last bit of fun before we leave

Thanks Universal Studios for a fantastic day!

The Queen Mary - retired in Long Beach

Our rental car "The Hulk" - and we ordered a compact car!

It's a great drive down the coast...

Beautiful towns all the way down the coast

It's a stunning part of the world!

We stop for lunch in the town of La Jolla just outside San Diego - a stunning place!

La Jolla has some great beaches too

Was a pity about the weather, but that didn't put everyone off the water!

V catching up with the world in our hotel room

This is typically the state of our room when we check out!

Stunning street, especially for shopaholics!

Christmas decorations everywhere


Time to explore a bit of Hollywood

V finds her favourite ... Johnny Depp

Lunch at Hollywoods oldest Italian restaurant

We're in California and V decides to get the tattoo she has always wanted!

A painful experience!

Ray did an amazing job - he looks scary but a great guy!

The legend!

The busiest star on the strip!

Weren't sure if we would enjoy it but we ended up loving LA!

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