Saturday 5 December 2009

Fort Lauderdale - Photos

Avalon Waterfront - our home in Fort Lauderdale

The view from our hotel

Another great beach...

The girls about to get into the Baywatch theme!

The Deck and time for lunch

The girls tuck into typically large American portions

The pool in our hotel

Time for an afternoon nap


Ice cold beer on the beach

The Christmas decorations at night on the main strip

Margarita Cantina for dinner - the girls couldn't resist 2 for 1 cocktails!

V goes for the Large ;-)
V ready and waiting at our stop

And here it comes....

One of many Iguana's relaxing on the bridge

Stunning houses line the canals....

..and the canals lead off in all directions

Yachts are moored all over the place!

We get off at Galleria for some lunch

The first healthy meal we have had for a long time!!

Then it's time to get back in the water taxi

The yachts are not small

Some locals cruising the canal enjoying the sunset

Mansions line every canal you go down...

With their yachts parked right outside!

Check out the helicopter parked on the top deck, these guys must be struggling ;-)

The Oasis of the Sea, the largest cruise ship in the world with 16 decks

Our friendly water taxi tour guides

Unbelievable house - and on the market for $30 million if you are looking for a holiday home!

V enjoying the sunset

We hop off at Las Olas Waterfront for a walk

More Christmas decorations

We head to Floridian for dinner, a typical American diner

Love the decor!

We stroll home past more and more yachts, feeling really poor at this stage ;-)

Over the bridge and home, an early start for Dallas in the morning.

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