Thursday 31 December 2009

Nha Trang, Hoi An, and Hanoi - Photos

5am and at the airport already for our flight to Nha Trang

Our hotel in Nha Trang

Waiting for our room to be prepared ,we were a bit early...

We take a walk and look for breakfast

And then hit the beach
Time to find a spot - the beach is pretty much all ours...

It's Nadal v Federer on the sand...

Greg riding another wave

The girls cover up for a short burst of rain...

The boys head in, must be time for lunch

We head to Crazy Kims for beer and pool

V and Shandy tucking into another Large Tiger!
We get hustled for another book by the locals, this time it's Clyde's turn to cough up!

A new day and it's time for breakfast...

The streets of Nha Trang

Greg bartering with a street vendor for water

Clyde and V pose outside a very strange building

This time we take no chances with the rain and go for some shelter...
More bat and ball...

A local passer-by decides to join in the game!

The rain drives us back to Crazy Kims for some pool

Then time for dinner

Our last meal in Nha Trang...
Checking out and waiting for our night coach to Hoi An
It's tight on this coach...

We get 5 beds together right at the back ... cosy ;-)

Some of the rice fields we pass in the morning

Last snooze before we arrive after a mammoth 13 hour trip!

We head out to explore .. the local bars
Time for some cards as it is pouring outside...

No point going out in that!

Off to find somewhere for dinner...
The streets are beautiful at night...

We settle on the Mango Room for dinner, which was excellent!

Another great dinner - the food in Vietnam is really good!

V rates the dessert too!

Greg and Shandy up for some late night shopping

A new day and time to explore some of the Old Town

We stop for a late breakfast at Cargo

Clyde catching up with the world, looks like bad news ;-)

We were too tight to pay to go on the bridge!

A beautiful temple...

The girls purchase some new hats...

This is typical Vietnam

A local woman working on one of the markets

We carry on with our walking tour...

The beautiful view from a bar we stopped off at

In the taxi on our way to the airport for our flight to Hanoi

Of course the flight was delayed for 3 hours so time to catch up on some reading!

We arrive late but manage to find a friendly backpackers hostel still open for food

Our hotel in Hanoi

We gather for a breakfast run...

This stunning cathedral was round the corner from our hotel

A pretty lake right in the middle of the city

Settling into the local way of life...

We got fleeced for these photos, they saw us coming a mile away!

Stunning temple in the middle of this hectic city

We stroll the streets of the Old Town

Markets everywhere...

A typical sight in Vietnam

On we march... check out the rider and his load, they are not scared to carry heavy baggage and goods around!

Electricians nightmare, some of the craziest wiring you are likely to see!

Time for a beer...

Beautiful view over the city

As always, 5 Large Tigers!

The roads are hectic!

We head to a traditional water puppet show

Great to see but don't think we'd rush back to watch another one ;-)

The puppeteers take the applause, it is very well done

Back out to the mayhem of the city...

The cutest little girl just drawing on the side of the road

Fancy crossing that?! You become an expert after a few days...

The hunt for a recommended restaurant for dinner...

Another road successfully crossed..

We hit the Mediterraneo for our last meal in Vietnam

Food Envy - Clyde orders an awesome Calzone!