Thursday 4 March 2010

Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia

We arrived in Malaysia nice and early on Tuesday 9 February and Tommy picked us up from the airport. Lorna and Candace were due to arrive later that afternoon so we checked into the stunning apartment which Tommy had organised for us and caught up on a few winks, before a short shop at KLCC and a session for me in the gym (it’s was urgently needed).

At last the girls arrived and we caught up over a glass or two of wine. With plenty more to discuss we then all headed out to the Hard Rock Cafe for dinner. We had a lovely evening of food, wine, music and chat and of course we still weren’t done so the girls came up to our apartment for cards and more chats.

The next day after some time at the pool we jumped in a cab and headed to China Town. After a little lunch at Nando’s we hit the market for some serious shopping. As it was Chinese New Year we were treated to a show of Chinese Dragons while we made our purchases. After our bags were fully stocked we then made our way to Bangsar Village where we were meeting Tommy and Jen for a Thai dinner. After dinner we did a little more shopping for Dvds and Cds and then headed home.

On Thursday we spent most of the day at the pool before Alistair headed out for a game of night golf and Lorns, Cands and I went out for Sushi dinner before a quick night cap at the Beach bar.
On Friday 12 February (my birthday) we started the day in the sun with a little lunch by the pool and a little session or two at the spa with manicures, pedicures and facials all round. Once we’d had enough sun for the day we had a short present opening session (my husband spoilt me rotten) and then an afternoon chill before Champagne and more presents in Tommy’s apartment. Later that evening we went to a lovely Italian restaurant for dinner. After a stunning evening we finished back in our apartment with cards and more catching up.

The next morning Ali was up and out of bed early for another game of golf. I headed off for a bit of shopping before meeting up with the girls for lunch. After that they headed off to get their flights to Bali, while I spent the afternoon catching up on admin. Once Ali arrived back we headed out for a casual dinner at Chilli’s with Tommy and Jen before we headed back to the apartment for an early evening of chilling.

On Valentines morning we were up and at the airport in time for our 11.00 am flight, only to be told that Air Asia had kindly moved us to the 9.00 am flight without letting us know. So we were swiftly added to the later 3.50 pm flight which meant a very long wait in the airport.

We had a great time in KL catching up with the girls, here are our highlights and lowlights:
- A lovely girly sushi dinner with Cands and Lorns
- Shopping in China Town is always great fun
- Had a lovely birthday and was spoilt like mad!
- Golf at the KLGCC club which is hosting the Malaysian Open soon was amazing!

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